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by Directorate

As discussed in the Programme Management section, PMS introduces new programme structures to replace the former Directorate Programme Boards, based on the themes of the Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS).

SCS Theme

Lead Directorate

Adult Wellbeing & Health

Adult & Culture Services

Safe, Inclusive, Cohesive & Empowered Communities

Chief Executive's Directorate

Strengthening the Economy

Improving Outcomes for Children & Young People

Children's Services

Managing Environmental Impact

Environment & Regeneration

Creating and Sustaining Quality Places

Although delivering against the objectives and targets of the SCS is at the core of our work, programmes and projects will also be generated from other sources, for example implementing the Every Child Matters agenda, the Adult Services Transformation Programme (Putting People First), or service improvement initiatives. In Adult & Culture Services, Children’s Services, and Environment & Regeneration, these non-SCS programmes are so interwoven with activities directly related to delivering against the SCS outcomes that they have been integrated into the SCS theme-based programme structures. In Chief Executive’s Directorate, there are activities that are much more internally focused, and these are managed by a separate Directorate Programme Board.

However, the vast majority of the Councils programmes and projects are managed under the theme-based structures, so you will find that this section of the database mostly just links you back to the relevant SCS Theme.